A couple of weekends ago I was spoiled with a wonderful weekend stowed away in the forest of Tahoe at the Dyches cabin. It was possibly one of the best weekends of my life. I needed to get away from the world for a while, and well why not do it in Tahoe with people you don't even know. It was definitely an adventure just getting to the cabin, with all the delayed flights, snow and three random guys I didn't even know. Let's just say it made for interesting conversation in the mini-van. haha.
Once we finally met up with Emily in California to drive up the cabin the adventure continued. She pulled up in the Lexus, it was completely covered in a sheet of thick ice! We put all of our gear in the back and piled in, I grabbed the front seat because I ♥ seat warmers. I was so grateful that Emily was driving because let's just say the mini-van would not have made it up the road at 1 in the morning through the snow. In order to get to the cabin from where we stopped once again we had to take the Argo and the snowmobile. Let's just say I wasn't prepared for this, I quickly grabbed a beanie, my goggles and my warmer coat. I got to go with Emily on the snowmobile eventually once we got it started. All the guys piled onto the Argo with Ben who looked like Darth Vader with his giant black helmet.
This thing is a beast and can pretty much drive through/over anything. The day before the guys at the cabin had made a path so it was not too bad on the way up. It was my first time on a snowmobile, I was a bit scared but had a blast. My hands started to freeze on the way up because I forgot to put my gloves on. Emily was nice enough to let me use her pockets. I was frozen by the time we drove the mile to the cabin. After almost running into the front door on the cabin and waking up Kyla I had some of the best hot cocoa ever! Apparently it was so cold I cut my nose and I didn't even feel it. I was so excited that I could hardly sleep that night even if by the time we got to the cabin it was 2 in the morning. The next morning we had awesome pancakes and eggs with some more fabulous hot cocoa. It was a gorgeous morning and its hard to complain when you wake up to a view of the gorgeous Tahoe area.
Emily had a hard core sledding accident the day before so she decided to stay in and take a nap. Everyone else decided to go and play in the snow. Eventually by the time we all got our gear on it had started to snow again, which just made it more fun. The path we had driven up on the night before had a slight downhill slope so everyone grabbed a sled, snowboard, or Argo to ride down. As I was riding down the path on my snowboard I would just stop and listen to the silence of the forest, it was nice. Then I would continue to ride down the path, until I caught my edge on the side of the snow bank and face planted into the powder. After spitting out a mouthful of fresh snow I attempted to finish the trail. After having to strap out of my board 3 times because of the flat parts on the trail I met up with the Argo. Sarah was driving and three of the guys were piled in the back. I hopped in the front with Sarah while Sid and Q got out. They took the two sleds with ropes tied them to the back of the Argo and were dragged back up the trail. It was very entertaining seeing as we were going 5 miles an hour up this path in a blizzard. After finally making it back to the cabin soaking wet, I was perfectly content with staying inside the warm cabin drinking hot chocolate.
Later on that evening there was some definate entertainment, I mean it's not everyday you see Sid in a fully body bright ORANGE Nasa space suit or anyone for that matter. Also that evening I was introduced to one of the BEST games ever, BOGGLE.

The road ahead.
But the Argo is hard-core and could totally handle it, well slowly it handled it.
The road behind.
It's fun to go riding in a blizzard with friends down a mountain. A little chilly though.
Once we got down the mountain we found the Lexus, it had become part of the wall.
It did awesome though and totally made it out fine. Ky and I were the lucky ones that got to go down to the van and wait for everyone else to come down from the cabin. We made good use of our time by creating a lion to guard the front gate.
It was so cool, but it eventually got covered from the blizzard. It was definitely an adventure I enjoyed and will remember.
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