This weekend was my first time playing an official Rugby game. After driving down in the "herse mobile" which was actually a pretty nice car I might add we went out for a night on the town.
There was a registration party at the Silverton Casino that was pretty lame, so we ate some Mexican food and went and hung out at my brother's house. Later that night we met up with the rest of the group and they were all pretty trashed I guess according to Rugby standards it's a good way to prepare for a game the next day, but it was very entertaining. A couple of the team members and myself decided to leave because we were pretty tired from the long drive. It was nice to stay at my mom's because it was so close to the fields for the next day, but the A/C was not working which sucked bad. That goodness for swamp coolers or we would have died! After running lots of errands on Saturday and eating some pancakes and pasta together we got ready for the tournament. The games were played on some fields I played on when I was eight. The painted golf ball looked a lot shorter than I remembered, I guess I grew a foot or two. The tournament started at 5 PM which happened to be the hottest part of the day. I was no longer excited to wear my cotton jersey in 112 degree weather. I was so nervous for our first game, mainly because it was my first time playing. Once the game started though it was great I even got some tackles. Our team captain sprinted to score the first two tris and they had to be subbed out so she could throw up from the heat. In the end it paid off though because we won our first game together.

After each game we all just tried to find some shade and stay cool. Some girls soaked their shirts and wrapped them around their heads others lost their jerseys all together.
Whoever picked the time of day to play was crazy! It was hot I thought I was going to die, but it gives ruggers more time to get over their hang overs from the night before. There were three rookies on the team that played during the tournament Pam, Janine and myself.
Seriously I wish I could have been introduced to Rugby years ago, it is probably one of the most fun things I have done in my entire life. I mean I even like it more than soccer and I have played that my whole life. I guess its the whole being allowed to run at other girls full speed and just plowing into them. Also when the ball goes out we get to do line outs which are probably one of my favorite parts of the game. In this picture Janine and me lifted Linda into the air and I was so impressed at how high she got!!!
We ended up losing our second game which we should have one but we were all dying from heat stroke. Cory got a bloody lip.

The third game was at 8:20 PM which I was grateful for, because the sun had finally gone down. We ended up shutting that team out, they didn't not even come close to scoring.

I had a blast the whole time I was there even if I felt like I was hit by a truck. My cheering section was quite large which made it even more entertaining. It was my mom, stepdad, dad, stepmom, two brother, sister-in-law, two step siblings, Shannon and Franco, Shannon's parents and the baby in Sabrina's belly. It made me a little nervous knowing I had that many people watching me play.

I ♥ them all! The third and fourth games were my favorite, I didn't want them to end because we actually got some real rugby action going on. We won both those games, by the time we were done with the fourth game it was 10:30 PM. It turns out that first and second place in the tournament had scored 95 points and we had scored 94 points. For only having practiced together for a month third place was not bad at all! Turns out that after our 4th game we had to play the winners of the tournament 15 minutes later, our one sub had a concussion and our team captain ended up getting injured. So we played 6 on 7, until we randomly found a girl who could fill in the spot. That game was all about will power and technique and we just ran out. We were so drained from the game right before but still put up a good fight. If we could play like the Crazy Eights from Canada do we would have an amazing team. After this tournament I am perfectly content with the Dirty Hookers, they are so fun to play with. I hope fall season is just as fun!

After the tournament we were all starving so we went to get some grub wearing our cool jerseys we got from the tournament and it turned out that Pam's concussion was still pretty bad, so we had to take her to the emergency room. Janine and I were crazy in the waiting room ("check please") and Flip slept in the car while we waited. We finally left at 4:30 AM. Let's just say it made for an interesting drive home, people probably thought we were on drugs because of our lack of sleep. TRACTOR!! BROWN CHICKEN BROWN COW!!!!!!!