It's amazing how quickly things can change based on a simple decision made in one's life. Sadly this is not a life decision that I have made but more of a physical one. On Monday night some of my roommates and myself play Ultimate Frisbee on campus. It is one of my highlights of the week. This last Monday we decided to ride our bikes like we normally do seeing as campus is only 2 blocks away. After finding adequate bikes to ride we were off. I brought my backpack with my water and stuffed Lynsey's frisbee between my back and pack as well. As we rounded the corner of 11th and Ralston I decided it would be safer to turn on my reflector so cars could see me. I attempted to turn it on while riding my bike, which resulted in me standing up on my road bike with one hand on the handle bars and the other fumbling with the light. It just so happens that this was the perfect recipe for disaster that evening. In my not so safe stance I hit a hole in the road. If anyone reading this has ever ridden a road bike they know what it feels like to hit a large bump on a skinny road bike. Well I was not expecting this to happen which resulted in my body being launched off the bike. The handle bars jackknifed and I flew off the right side of the bike, slamming all of my weight onto my right shoulder and skull (no helmet :( ). It was possibly the most pain I have ever experienced all at once. I swear six people stopped, and at least 5 more walked by. Anika with her ninja reflexes was kind enough to swerve out of the way to prevent the mountain bike she was on from T-boning into my spine. A girl walking home got a wet rag from her house to doctor up the wounds, another guy was relating some of his crashes on his bike to help me to feel better. A car full of people stopped as well while I was rolling in the middle of the road in pain. Another group of people walked by and were all like "Dang, is she ok?" Lucky for me there were 5 people there to answer for me. The random girl who was helping me happened to have some sanitizer as well, she put it on my leg and I starting yelling in pain, I no longer appreciated her presence as much. It was SO painful! I was still trying to get over the initial nausea from the pain of falling. Anika rode home to get her car, while Lynsey stayed and helped doctor up my wounds. I am so grateful that I was not by myself. They helped me tremendously. So now today I am just a little scabbed, sore, drugged and more aware of helmet usage. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to walk more effectively. Danielle thought it would be a great idea to take some pictures of me while I was drugged and half asleep.

I think I ruined my Shakespeare shirt though. Hopefully it doesn't scar. This is going to make my first week of school a little more interesting. Also it will be a while before I can play Rugby again which makes me a little sad.