I can see why Anika, my roomamate, calls it one of her favorite places ever. I had the privilege of going up to her family cabin for the Fourth of July holiday and I could not have asked for a better day off. The relaxation was much needed. Trevor, Danielle and I drove up on Thursday night, northern California is one of the prettiest places in this country. I ran around on the beach like a little kid, getting Anika and anyone else close by wet. Then we proceeded to rock and jump on the little dock floating off the beach. After my failed attempts at skipping rocks, I hucked a huge one off the end of the dock and then we walked back up "Cardiac Hill" to the cabin. We played Balderdash, laughed and enjoyed the company. You don't need plans at Bucks Lake, just being there is enough. That night we slept on the back porch, all 7 of us, curled up in our warm sleeping bags and blankets. I don't think I have ever seen so many stars in my entire life, definately a view that will be hard to beat. The next morning we woke up with the sun warming our faces, it was grand. I woke up while Ani was getting ready for work and just sat and read for a couple of hours until everyone decided to get up. After watching the ridiculous movie "Van Helsing", we decided or more I made Trevor ride with me down to Anika's work.

Katie rode the extra bike we brought, the ride was short but we got to fly down this windey hill. I was going so fast my eyese started to water, and I think I frightened Katie when I passed by her. After helping Anika's place of employment with our purchases of Charleston Chews and Gatorade we went back to the cabin. Danielle, Jesse and myself decided to go down to the dock to read our books. We are all in love with Edward haha. Trevor and the other boys hung out on the dock for a while but soon got bored and left. At about 2:30ish Ani came home and we all decided to go swimming. Trevor and Danielle went to the other side of the lake for some activity, and the rest of us went to "the Rocks" to swim. Let me just tell you I am an expert at getting water lodged up my nostrils. We jumped off the rocks in shapes of letters and animals.

Jesse and I kayaked to the dam and ran into each other along the way. It would have been even more perfect if people in their boats didn't decide to share their foul taste in music with us. The even better news about the lake was I didn't even get sunburned one bit.

This is our sad attempt at a selfie on the beach. After dinner that night we sang patriotic songs in celebration of the holiday and then went on a walk/hike to work off our fabulous dinner. I even wore red, white and blue to celebrate our nations birthday.

Trevor trying to be sly while I use his nice camera. One day I will have my own.

The view at the end of the hike was amazing! It made me sad that I had to go back to reality the next day. Seven brides for seven brothers is definitely a classic that must be seen while at the cabin if Trevor is around. The second night of sleeping outside was so great, I swear I didn't move the entire night. It was a bit colder but so amazing the next day. I think my favorite picture is the one Danielle took of Stacey and Ani all bundled up on the back porch.

I must say that if I ever have a day off again soon I would love to spend it there.